I trust you have been having a blessed and holy Lent. I seem to remember last year as not needing a lot of additional disciplines, as they came pre-packaged. Well, this year was no different. Maybe it was just God's way of consolidating all my spiritual growth into one Lenten package, all tied up with a pretty purple bow.
I will not share all the ins and outs. Suffice it to say the challenges have been coming fast and furious. Kind of like a treadmill that makes you keep running or you'll go flying. But don't let me give you the impression it's been all bad; far from it! I've had many many lovely blessings. My daughter, son-in-law and grandson came from Michigan for a visit; the occasion being another daughter's baby shower.
Annnnnnd, the amazing, sweet, adorable, yet natural, outcome of that-------drum roll----
Ta Da!
Clementine Willow Corrine, born March 4, 6 lbs. 15 oz.
Of course we are all completely smitten.
Yet, all of life continues, much as we wish it would just pause long enough for us to sit and rock her seventeen hours a day.
Back to Lent.
I came across the book, Abandonment to Divine Providence, by Jean-Pierre de Caussade, while re-reading The Way of Serenity, by Father Jonathan Morris. He referenced it somewhere along the way, and I became curious and went and found it.
It has become truly a book full of Things I Needed To Hear Right Now. Ironically, following with the book's theme, God brought it along when I needed it most. The idea that God is present in every moment, and our job is to be abandoned to his will, trusting that He has got our life handled in a way we never could, is not a new one, in fact I am sure one could quote scripture to say the same thing. But de Caussade does sort of a Francis de Sales with the language and examples he uses, making the whole idea of the Christian life absurdly simple, and still highly profound.
The simple part I really need right now. Haha. Just remembering to look to God in every circumstance, instantly changes the entire baseline reality of that moment.
When I am driving to work in the morning on the expressway (total misnomer. there is nothing express about it), I like to start with a Rosary. It helps quiet down my racing mind and focus on hearing Jesus. One day while praying the sorrowful mysteries, I got to "Jesus carries His Cross" and remembered how he allowed Simon to help him. I mean, Simon didn't even want to. He had to be forced! But also, Jesus chose to stay within the limits of his beaten, torn, human body. Nothing was done to Him on Good Friday that He didn't allow. And he wanted a reluctant human person to help him on His darkest day. When I, in my human limitations, am having a dark day, do I allow people to help me? Do I turn to Jesus and ask his help? Conversely, Jesus wants our help. He wants us to pray for one another. He wants us to just talk to Him, to get to know Him for who he really is.
I was able to ponder all that because I made myself available to listen and pay attention.
It's kind of a limitless possibility idea, and I like it. It gives us the chance to tap into God as He is in every moment, and get to know Him as the living Father that he truly is.
Since I am experiencing challenges, I now have daily, even hourly conversations with God that offer opportunities to see all my situations through His eyes. He reminds me that my freaking out accomplishes nothing, and I can remain serene and docile to His work in my life, knowing He has it all handled.
My prayer is that you can experience God in your daily life, abandoning yourself to Him and knowing His peace.
Have a blessed Holy Week~
Thank you for your kind prayer, and she is beautiful! Ah, God bless her. What a joy to have a little child around. May she live a blessed life filled with God's love. Congratulations and blessings to the mom. Have a wonderful Easter.