Sunday, March 23, 2014

some of today's music, third Sunday in Lent

and as a beautiful a capella postlude:


  1. Is the Agneis Dei particular for the third sunday of Lent? Only reason I ask is that the church i found to go to in Florida chanted the Agneis Dei instead of the Lamb of God in English. I found that unusual.

    By the way i responded to a couple of comments you made on my blog posts while i was away.

    1. It is actually pretty common to do the Agnus Dei, even in a mass in English. The third Sunday in Lent may have a significance in music that I am not aware of, though.

  2. We used to attend a church in which we did the Agnus Dei (different melody than Kelly shared) every Sunday in place of the Lamb of God in English.
